Monday, February 2, 2009

How To Appreciate Your Wife


Tell her frequently how much she means to you and leave all negativity and criticism at the door. The reason for this is because women get aroused by the way they are treated and talked to. Don't just treat her like a queen before you marry her and when you get married leave all the compliments to the trash men or postal workers. Tell her yourself, it does not have to be every day but it does need to be often.


Take on responsibility, we know that at times men tend to work hard. But remember that you have a role to fulfill in the home. If you act invisible, she will treat you invisible. Get off your but and help around the house. I never understand why some men are quick to help others and don't do a thing at home. Help your wife, take some of the pressure off of her. If you don't somebody else will.


Take her out on dates, at least once a month. Get her nails, toes or hair done. Show her that you care about her and her appearance. If a woman is feeling good and looks good. She will treat you good, especially in the bedroom. Just truly make an effort to help, help the kids when homework. Volunteer to be the one to have a conference with the teacher when the time rolls around. These are just some simple tips to get things moving in the right direction.