Monday, February 2, 2009

How to Be Romantic On a Budget


Make a special evening at home, instead of going out. Make a nice home-cooked meal, put some flowers and candles out, and add a little wine, and you have a great evening. After dinner, go and take a bubble bath together. This will surely bring back the sparks.


You can write a poem, or even a beautiful letter to your sweetie, and when you are done, put it in beautiful script font on the computer, and than frame it and present it to your loved one.


Surprise your loved one with a picnic to a special place you both have. Make their favorite foods and snacks, and make sure to bring a nice blanket to sit on. People don't do this as often as they should, and it will give you time to just focus on eachother.


Leave notes for your loved one around the house, or in their gym bag, to let them know that you are thinking of them, and try to come up with little romantic messages. You can also find millions of them on the internet to help you out. Your loved one will feel so special to get a little note from you.

How to Be Romantic To Your Husband


Make arrangements for a Candlelight dinner especially if he works at night and make sure you know when he will be getting off work so that way you can have the meal prepared in time, arrange for a babysitter if needed and if you can't find one, just arrange for it when the kids are asleep.


Leave love notes around the house, leave a love note just saying how much you love him and how proud you are to be his wife on the kitchen table or on the refrigerator so when he wakes up in the morning with a sweet awakening


Mail Him a love letter, write him a love letter around 1 or 2 pages and actually mail it him, you will love the reaction on his face when he reads your love letter!


Surprise him with a "just because" gift, rather its a nice heart felt card or just something that he likes or something dealing with a hobby he likes, for an example if he loves to fish, go and buy him a nice fishing rod.


Call him and leave him a voice mail while he is at work telling him how much you love him or just send him a text letting him know he's on your mind


Give him a hot oil massage or if you don't have hot oil just use plain lotion, just rub it in your hands a few times so that way it won't be so cold on him.


Send Him A card and flowers to his job with a little love note, He would be ecstatic!


Plan a romantic night with him in the bedroom, wear some sexy lingerie and tell him his wishes are your command!

How to be a Romantic Boyfriend


Remember the little things! It isn't about how much money you spend to make your girlfriend feel special, it is about the time you have doing things that are needed to be done. Doing actions such as picking up flowers on the way home, stopping by or kissing her at lunch (for no reason), and even surprising her by cleaning the home are so romantic.


Be willing to examine how your actions make your partner feel. If you simply observe how your partner acts, you can simply pick up on ideas, concepts and even wonderful moments that you can be romantic. What is more romantic for a night on the town: Thai or Mexican? Only you can tell by knowing your partner.


Be as selfless as possible. Romance is a wonderful thing when it focuses on neither person, but the couple itself. Give yourself away and you will find a wonderful romantic relationship.


Read up on being a romantic. It appears it is an art which hundreds of books have been written on the topic. Give yourself a chance to learn more by stopping by the bookstore and seeing what is available.


Hold hands and even kiss away. These simple actions aren't just about the theme of loving someone, but an actual physical response to being a hopeless romantic.

How to Avoid No Time for Each Other After Kids


Don't nag each other! Try talking to each other in a calm voice to get your point across. Take pride in how you look! Remember how you use to dress when you first met? Make an effort to update your appearance for your spouse.


Make physical contact a priority! Kiss and hug each other; it's important that your children notice your loving gestures. Hire a babysitter and go out once a week. Or, put the kids to bed early, and have some alone time if going out is too expensive.


Small gestures mean alot! Notes in a lunchbox, flowers or cooking his/her favorite meal. Gestures like these mean alot, and does show your spouse that you truly care. Stop the mad rush, and take time for your relationship. It's worth the effort!

How To Appreciate Your Wife


Tell her frequently how much she means to you and leave all negativity and criticism at the door. The reason for this is because women get aroused by the way they are treated and talked to. Don't just treat her like a queen before you marry her and when you get married leave all the compliments to the trash men or postal workers. Tell her yourself, it does not have to be every day but it does need to be often.


Take on responsibility, we know that at times men tend to work hard. But remember that you have a role to fulfill in the home. If you act invisible, she will treat you invisible. Get off your but and help around the house. I never understand why some men are quick to help others and don't do a thing at home. Help your wife, take some of the pressure off of her. If you don't somebody else will.


Take her out on dates, at least once a month. Get her nails, toes or hair done. Show her that you care about her and her appearance. If a woman is feeling good and looks good. She will treat you good, especially in the bedroom. Just truly make an effort to help, help the kids when homework. Volunteer to be the one to have a conference with the teacher when the time rolls around. These are just some simple tips to get things moving in the right direction.